samedi 31 décembre 2011

after our final status update

In his speech, Adam Ostrow asking what comes after life,what we leave behind us after we die,
if technology can allow us to survive after death, if we can create machines which look like someone died, and what it means for humanity.

 Nowadays, a lot of people are on social networks like facebook, or make blog to talk about themselves. In fact, we all have digital archive. When we die, the archives are kept and we let a lot of information about us. before, when people die, there were only a few pictures and their memory was preserved in the memories of their loved ones. Now, as we let so many things, we don't really disappear : technology taking us to a world between life and death. Indeed, we can ask someone to post on our blog after our die. It's weird, because it is as we could keep talking !!!!

this new technology is very interesting for scientists, because they can try to make robots which look like a dead person :  machine using same voice and expressions... 

But for me, this research are not really good because we have to die and make way for new generations. Moreover robots are just machine and not human, it is dangerous to think it like someone we loved. 

mardi 27 décembre 2011

a lot of violence in a world generally peacefull

The leader of an amish comunity attacked member of his group. To punish peopole for disobeying, Samuel Mullet and seven other man abused of them : forced to sleep in a chicken coop, humiliation, sexual abuse, and other atrocities.

Amish comunity appeared in the 17th century in Europe : man and woman decided to live in little groupe and respect strictly the new testament. Today amish comunity are in different states of america (mainly in Pennsylvania, in Ohio and in Indiana) but also in Canada and in Otario.
These people may seem very strange, because they reject the modern life : their clothes seem to come from another era, they work in the fields, product our food and use horses to move. They refuse to use electricity, radio, télévision and computeur, so they live out of touch. 

Moreover, religion has a central place in their lifes. Indeed, they live for jesus, and drop their own existence, because the must important is the hereafter. family has also important and couple have many children, an average of eight !!
Strangely, amish people are more and more numerous, because some people join them to escape the world of consumption.  

The style-life of amish people seems quiet, so what's happened ? 
If the leader have to be violent to be respected, the question is, people in the comunity are they realy happy ? may be, they don't want to be directed by someone else or want to choose him. 

lundi 19 décembre 2011

Welcome to sthendal !

Welcome to sthendal !
Sthendal is a frech university where I study for 2 years and I know all you need to know to enjoy this new Framework !!

First, you will find at the entrance of all universitys the coffee machines : you have to try coffee vanilla and coffee caramel, it is realy delicious !
Then you can organize a cache cache with some friends, because the buildings are labyrinths, it could be really funny ;)
When you are hungry, you can go to the restoU, It’s only 3 euros for a meal.
But sometime there are a lot of people, so you can buy a sandwich in a snack
( at Stendhal there are the «camion » or the « camionnette »)
To eat inside in winter, you just have to choose a place that you like and sit down here, you have the choice : shoals, staircase, against a radiator…
 If you are bored, you can go to the University Library, but you have to be quiet !
In spring, you can spend time on the lawn, It’s a good time to meet people or just enjoy the sun.
While you have a lot of  free time when you are a student, but remember that you must sometimes work :)
More seriously, most important are : make friends, enjoy free time, because if you are good about yourself, work come easly ! 
( img :

lundi 5 décembre 2011


The 8 secrets of success according to Richard St John are : passion(do it for love not for money), work (nothing come easely), good (practice to become good in what you do), focus (focusing yourself to one thing), push yourself (don't have doubt), serve, ideas, and persist !

I think «passion » is my secret to success.
Indeed, since I was a kid I love theather. First I liked act. Then I liked going to see drama.
I did an internship in the MC2 in Grenoble, and I discovered a lot of professions related to theater and culture.
After that, I realized that I wanted to work with artists. I was determined to do everything to succed.
When I was 14 years old, I choosed to leave my family to study in a boarding school wich taught theater.
Now I study theater in university and I hope I will work in a theater.
I know I will not win a lot of money, but for me it is important to do what I love to succed and be happy.
Passion is a good motivation, because you do something realy important for you, you want do it for yourself and not for someone else.
I think that if I try to do something I don’t realy like, I will not succed or I will not be very good, because I will do it for bad reason.